Suits, The Rocks, Sydney

Exhibition Announcement

It gives me great pleasure to announce my upcoming exhibition in the 2018 Head On Photo Festival. As a landscape photographer, high megapixels, interchangeable lenses, filters, tripods, and heavy bags of equipment are my tools of trade. My lenses are normally trained on Sydney’s coastline, Australian landscapes and the great outdoors. So it might come…

Winter 2015 Update

I thought it was time that I started a regular, newsletter style blog post to spread the word about what’s been happening at Girt By Sea Photography. After all, that’s the whole point of having a blog, isn’t it? I’ve been a little slack on this front, so I feel that I have some catching…

Launching GBS

After many months in the planning, Girt By Sea Photography has come to life! With the launch of this website today I am excited to share my images and love of photography with you, starting with a gallery of Sydney seascapes. I hope you enjoy my work, and stay tuned to this page for news…